LED lighting impresses with its modern design and the latest technological
achievements and has many environmentally friendly features:
Oferujemy ponadprzeciętnej jakości oświetlenie w technologii LED.
Oferowane lampy charakteryzują się długą żywotnością oraz nawet 10-letnim okresem gwarancji. Stawiamy na ekologię, oszczędzanie energii i wydajność. W związku z tym lampy LED-owe marki Greenie produkowane są z uwzględnieniem najnowocześniejszych technologii i z użyciem wysokiej jakości trwałych materiałów. Najzwyższa jakość oświetlenia oraz dbałość o środowisko to podstawowe założenia.
Flowerpots Inserts
Rail spotlight 1-phase LED Track
Light 12x1 PowerLED 14W black
Flowerpots Inserts
We offer high quality lighting in LED technology.
The lamps offered are characterized by a long service life and even a 10-year warranty period. We focus on ecology, energy saving and efficiency. Therefore, Greenie LED lamps are manufactured with the use of the latest technologies and using high-quality durable materials. The highest quality of lighting and care for the environment are the basic assumptions.
LED Lighting
How to order?
Before placing an order, please carefully measure the size of the surface, where the lighting is to be located.
All data together with the choice of the model should be sent to biuro@green-designers.pl.
After accepting the order, the waiting time for products is about 5 days.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Mount in accordance with the diagram and instructions attached to the panels
Place an order via e-mail
Determine which sides should be built with plants
Measure the size of the surface on which you want the Green Designers vertical garden to be found
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Flowerpots Inserts